Crow Speak – Wild Poems

With original drawings by Judy Harris

This small book of wry verse shines light into dark corners, translating the poet’s seven-year fascination with crows into tales ranging from the Tablelands of Northern NSW to Tasmania. Compelling poetry that travels topically through nature, politics, and autobiography, with a resonating sense of place. A little book that speaks to some big issues.

Gail Galloway

About the author

Gail is a rural Australian writer and artist. She has worked as a journalist, social worker and community activist. Focused on themes of social justice and environment, her poems range through the personal to the political. Some of her earlier works have been published in anthologies and magazines; Crow Speak is her first collection. She also gardens, grows garlic and fails to keep the house tidy. Her next book, Confessions of a Home-Grown Herbalist (non-fiction), will be published by Balboa Press.

Features and Interviews

Here is a link to Gail Galloway reading two of her poems from Crow Speak.