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Cover of Huon Writes: a delicate pale grey river weed against a dark grey background, with the title, Huon Writes, on bold caps above.

Huon Writes An anthology from the Tasmanian south

Ten stories – fiction and non-fiction, in ten distinctive voices – from the beautiful Huon Valley.

Spend a morning on the farm with Bob Brown; follow Matthew Evans as he settles in the Huon; take flight with Zoe Davidson as she leaves for Melbourne. Kate Kruimink explores the unease of social disconnect at an end-of-year family gathering, while Marjorie Gadd imagines a surprising meeting in a Huonville. Wine journalist Winsor Dobbin offers a historical tour of Huon Valley wineries; Lisa Litjens celebrates the natural beauty of kunanyi; David L Hume writes of wanderers and outsiders in the wild places. Wren Fraser Cameron weaves a layered tale of how history speaks to the present, and Isaac Gee riffs on the otherworldliness of a clear winter’s night in the far south.

Read them in one go or dip into them on a break – you’ll be entertained and informed by these ten perspectives on what it means to live in the Huon.

Huon Writes has been jointly produced by Ashwood Publishing and MKoach Design, bringing established and emerging writers together to encourage and celebrate the wealth of writing talent in the Huon.

Available for sale at many Huon Valley businesses, or buy direct from Ashwood Publishing here.

The title 'Huon Writes: An anthology from the Tasmanian south' in bold orange text on a black background, above black-and-white photos of the ten Huon Writes owners and their names: Bob Brown, Kate Kruimink, Winsor Dobbin, Wren Fraser Cameron, Isaac Gee, Marjorie Gadd, Matthew Evans, Lisa Litjens, David L Hume and Zoe Davidson.